If there’s an animal that needs help immediately, support is available, whether that’s through us or another service. Please click the relevant options below to find out how you can get help.

What’s the issue?

My pet is ill/in distress

If it’s your pet, call your usual or nearest vet immediately. Outside of working hours, all vets will provide access to an emergency veterinary service. Usually the details will be provided on their answer phone if they are closed or on the outside of their building. Please note, we do not provide a public veterinary service for owned pets outside of our Outreach services.

I’ve found wildlife that is ill, injured or in distress

If you discover an orphaned, injured or sick wild animal, watch it carefully first to check if it really needs help. If the animal is orphaned, the best course of action can sometimes be to leave them in a safe place and continue to quietly monitor for its parents to return. If the animal is injured and in need of help, see the RSPCA’s guidance on how to help injured or sick wildlife here, or you may want to watch this short video.

Visit rspca.org.uk to search for information as mentioned in the video.

There are specialist local wildlife rescue groups that may be able to help with injured, sick and orphaned wildlife, see the list below:

You can find a full list of wildlife rehabilitation centres on the RSPCA website here.

If the animal needs urgent medical care, please contact your nearest vet. If we are nearer to you, our Clinic is open Monday – Friday 8am to 4pm. Please call ahead before making your journey on 0117 972 4567. Unfortunately, we don’t have the resources to collect animals. Outside of our opening hours your local vet should be your first point of contact.

I've found a lost or abandoned pet that is ill, injured or in distress

Please see our full guidance on how to report a found pet here.

If you cannot find the owner and the pet needs urgent medical care, please contact your nearest vet. If we are nearer to you, our Clinic is open Monday – Friday 8am to 4pm. Please call ahead before making your journey on 0117 972 4567. Unfortunately, we don’t have the resources to collect animals.

Outside of our opening hours your nearest local vet should be your first point of contact. Our emergency phone line (0117 972 4567) may be able to offer you some support up until 8pm.

I suspect animal abuse or neglect and wish to report it

When an animal is in need, the quicker they get help the better. There’s helpful advice on the RSPCA website at rspca.org.uk/reportcruelty

We’re proud to support the RSPCA Inspectors within the Bristol and District area to provide veterinary care and rehabilitation for the animals that need us, however we aren’t involved with investigating the cases ourselves.

Our rehoming team works hard to help and heal these animals before they are ready to be rehomed. Finding a loving home and a new start is always our top priority for these animals.